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Vaccination And Wellness

mudadi-saidi Par Le 16/04/2024

Our aim for our family is grand,

An ideal clan,

Overflowing with strength,

Vaccination and wellness,

Are our ultimate tools.

Crucial for our kin,

And for ourselves,

They fortify our bones,

Guard against diseases,

And shield us from disabilities,

Like poliomyelitis.

Whenever we ponder its harm,

We deem it vital to vaccinate our children,

And foster healthy living.

Consequences are dire for our bodies,

If we ignore the doctor's counsel,

And neglect wellness regimes.

Now we feel assured,

In a sanctuary of health,

For we've raised them well,

Aware of the necessity of vaccines,

Though the pain may sting,

Prevention surpasses cure,

We lead a balanced life,

This emboldens our resolve.

Vaccination wards off leg paralysis,

It shields our community from tuberculosis,

When injury strikes, tetanus does not ensue,

Our immunity stands strong,

Measles may try to assail us, but in vain.

Children grow unburdened,

Without fear or plight,

All thanks to vaccination,

And wellness pursuits.

Get your children vaccinated,

Ensuring their safety,

Get vaccinated,

And fortify the community,

Our tomorrow starts today,

By laying foundations aright,

We pave the path for our children's future,

Shielded from disability,

And equipped with vigor.

Our life's journey, duly considered.

Educate your community,

On the significance of vaccinating our young,

And embracing healthy habits.

Do you know the toll of lost lives?

Do you realize their destiny rests in your hands?

If not, their peril looms,

Let's champion their survival,

Through vaccination advocacy,

And comprehensive wellness.

Many lives have been lost,

Their morphology altered,

Forgotten and neglected,

Due to limited access,

To healthcare and wellness wisdom.

But it's never too late,

To rectify and restore,

Our children may seem distant,

Their trust waning,

In medical care and wholesome habits.

Their identity transformed,

By illness's burden,

And lack of preventive care,

They've become ensnared,

By circumstance and lack of support.

Yet, despite social divides,

They merit equal opportunities,

For a life of health and fulfillment.

Let's banish the term "H",

Symbolizing all things handicapped.

Let love guide our actions,

Let peace permeate our endeavors,

By ensuring our children are vaccinated,

And embracing wellness practices,

For the entire family.

Let's prioritize nutrition,

And deworming to stave off malnutrition,

And parasitic infections,

To bolster bone health,

And foster optimal growth,

It's our duty to administer deworming medication,

And promote exclusive breastfeeding.

Let's all engage in prevention,

And prioritize vaccination for our children.






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