Policy under police

mudadi-saidi Par Le 21/11/2016


It’s 6 O’clock Pm East Africa Time 

Some Kenyans returned home 

And the camp turns into a prison 

Everyone heading to end up their missions 

On the other hand

We see some footballers 

In different fields

Playing and sadly, police fight 

Against passengers 

Who do nothing 

But pushing 

To get in the police car 

Some speak loudly 

Thief, thief, I can hear voices.

Jump the queue of the wall

Incidents come up 

People injured 

Nobody cares,

People lose money in this hardest case 

Nobody cares,

People lost their lives 

But nobody cares. 

Can someone please tell me the role 

The real role of the police?

Should they be a guardian?

Or should they be median ? 

I don’t have an answer 

Because I don’t actually understand 

For what will I stand for?

If my people are jailed?

For no reason.

If my people are mistreated?

For no reason.

For what will I speak up?

If humanitarian keep quiet?

For matters of their donors. 

For what will I show my face?

If international agencies keep secret?

Nobody cares.

People live under pressure 

In a place we assume to be safe

But still we feel to be in the same place like home.

In a place we assume to be protected 

We feel marginalized 

And unconsidered 

Living with unconscious police 

Who destroy humanity 

Who deny what’s right

Who add cases on you without faults 

Living in a county 

Where we tried to be family 

To local community 

But still, we are given names 

That discriminate 

Name that don’t give hope

We endure 

But do cannot not remain calm.



all people

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